Sh Imtiyaaz Hendricks

Guest Lecturer

*Completed hifth 2007
*3 year Aalim course @ Darul Uloom Pretoria  (completed Imaamat course)
*Bachelor of Arts UWC Major in Psychology, Philosophy and Arabic.
*Honors degree specialising in Psychology UCT
*Life Coaching qualification
*Facilitation qualification
*Currently: International Higher Life Coaching Course

Core passions in Coaching:
Transformation at its highest level, Peek performance centred, Relationships, Career, Academia, Fitness and Communication.

He facilitate's life coaching courses, does radio presenting, frequently presents workshops and seminars at secular Institutes and occasionally corporate.

Connect with us

Cnr of Johnston & Duine Road,
Rylands Estate 7764,  Cape Town,
South Africa.
PO Box 38316, Gatesville, 7766

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